Amna Mazhar

Pricinpal Software Engineer (Web)

A full stack developer with 7+ years experience developing robust code for high-volume businesses. Increased code-efficiency of Audi Campaign Management by 45%. Passionate about building world class web applications and creating elegant solution with the least amount of time.

Featured Projects

lkwwalter (Austria)

  • Replacement of Java based CRM into SugarCRM, Developed AngularJs based web components.
  • Integrated Apache Kafka to optimize their messaging needs (10,000 messages per sec).
  • RabbitMQ integration (Send/Receive) with SugarCRM, Developed SOAP endpoints to receive request.
  • Implementation of SSO, OAuth 2.0 and JWT for authentication.
  • Used MariaDB, BackboneJS, Docker, Leaflet, AngularJs, Viewerjs, XML, Git, REST API, Jenkins.

Audi (Germany)

  • Development of campaign management system with SugarCRM.
  • Created Interfaces to Import large amount of data using SOAP and REST API.
  • Optimized database queries for (MySQL) and reduced time from 1 minute to 2-4 seconds.
  • Created optimized reports and visibility layers for different types of system users.
  • Refactored processes running all over the systems. Used MySQL, BackboneJS, Git, XML, Xhprof, Collect D, PHPUnit.

Redpocket (Groupon Replica)

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